CREATIVE writing students at Harlow College have been experimenting with writing limericks. They discovered that – because of the strict rhythm needed – they were not as easy to compose as they initially thought. The students had great fun with them however and a selection are published here. Our illustration is by student Aaron Coombes
The Horrible Old Man By Farrah Emery
There was a horrible man who was old.
His skin was white and cold.
When he walked he slipped.
One day he tripped
And down the tall hill he rolled.
Girl on a well By Aaron Coombes
There once sat a girl on a well,
She jumped up and shouted “OH HELL-.”
The police came quite quick,
She was asleep with a prick.
Off to the asylum, farewell.
The Lap – By Lily Mai Juniper
There was once a very large lap,
Upon which sat a mighty grand trap,
For birds and cats,
And lice and rats,
Could never be found from a map.
Cinderella Left By Megan Shepherd
When Cinderella left from the ball,
She fled all the way down the hall,
She hurriedly spluttered,
“Too heavy,” she muttered,
And dropped the stolen riches all
BonBon By Cado Genova
A cat as cute as a button
Poor little BonBon the glutton
A name so sweet,
She only wanted to eat
Cereal, donuts, chicken or mutton.
The Fall of the Man from Poole By Jack Appleton
There was a rich man from Poole
Who one day had a big fall
He tripped down the stairs
And scattered his wares
And the people said “what a big fool!”